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Konu: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

  1. #1
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    Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    Daha önce toefl a girmiş birinin tecrübesi bazı arkadaşların ilgisini çekebilir

    I would like to share several takeaways from my TOEFL experience. Disclaimer: I am a native English speaker who attended an undergraduate program in French/English. Thus I was required to take the TOEFL. Nevertheless, I had some strategies going into the exam (wanting to score extremely well).

    Reading (28/30): Practice RC content from the GMAT (MGMAT is quite difficult in my opinion) and read as much as possible - CNN.com, Economist.com, etc. The trick for this section, as mentioned by another GMATClub member, is to read the question stem first, scan the paragraph in sequential order, then find the answer. Read the second question, and so on. You will have ample time to get through this section if you are comfortable with RC passages from the GMAT.

    Listening (29/30): I wrote bullet form notes and used arrows and symbols to represent relationships between ideas. For example, a "contrast" would be represented by "vs." or a consequence "--->". These little symbols helped me understand relationships between ideas from each passage. Spend time listening to podcasts and online videos such as Charlie Rose (he has excellent guests). Watch an interview by Charlie Rose and try to understand Q&A between parties. Note that the questions, in my opinion, are fairly basic and straightforward. They actually test more your memory (and note taking skills) than "actual" listening skills.

    Speaking (29/30): Ironically, this was the most difficult section for me. The reason is simple: I had multiple test-takers around me all speaking loudly into their own headsets. This threw me off multiple times and I had a lot of trouble focusing on my own answer. I think the best way to practice is to have a friend or family member ask you things like "What is an important tool or technology that you use everyday and why" (FYI, this was one of my questions and I spoke about the computer). In my opinion, don't write down any ideas, just relax and think of you speaking about the topic to a friend. Use clear words such as: "The professor discusses X".... "In contrast to...."... "For example"... "While"... Try to throw in strong vocabulary here and there. By the way, I often spoke too long and was cut off by the "beep" marking the end of my time. Judging by my score, this had no negative effect. Practice practice practice. Another tip (based on hearing someone at the test center). I think it is best to take your time and speak coherently (but more slowly) rather than speaking quickly and often going "hmmmm"... "sooooo" "likeee".... etc.

    Writing (30/30): I wrote about 500-600 words per passage. Use the template from the AWA of your GMAT. Chineseburned's template is fantastic. Master using the template (with some changes for the first type of question in the TOEFL). From my experience, the reading passage will always contradict the information from the listening part. So basically, it's a "analyze the argument" by using both the RC passage and listening part. If you need a specific template or would like me to give a good example, let me know.

    I scored a 116/120 and am sure that I made many mistakes in reading and listening. Reading was actually quite challenging because it was so long! If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to PM me. Ultimately, I think that if you can score above 35 in GMAT verbal, you can surely score above 110 given that you do well in the speaking section.

    Best of luck!


  2. #2
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi



    As mentioned in my earlier post, I followed the overall template posted by chineseburned.

    The TOEFL has two writing assignments: (1) the integrated writing task and (2) the independent writing task.

    For (1), follow an "argument" template. My TOEFL exam had the following: a RC passage discussing flying dinosaurs and present day birds. The short reading passage discussed the similarities between the birds today and dinosaurs that used to fly. Specifically, it spoke of their beaks, skeleton and eating habits. The lecture (audio) was a classroom setting with a professor who contradicted the information in the RC. Thus my response to the integrated task was something along the lines of:

    The article discusses a fascinating topic pertaining to similarities between modern day birds and flying dinosaurs. While extensive data shows that birds and dinosaurs share numerous commonalities, the professor discusses fundamental differences between both vertebrates. Thus, the reading passage fails to mention quintessential information that substantiates the argument that modern day birds are genetically linked to prehistoric flying dinosaurs. The following essay attempts to identify these differences in order to establish an objective view of the situation.

    First, the reading passages discusses [x]. In contrast, the professor provides information that [x].
    Clearly, a disparity exists between the scientific magazine article and the evidence exhibited by the professor. As a result, we can safely assume that both vertebrates are not genetically linked but rather similar in shape and behaviour.

    Second, the article pushes forth the idea that [x]. However, the classroom discussion confirms that modern day birds do not display parallel skeleton structures. Consequently, we can argue that indeed both species are dissimilar.

    Finally, and most importantly, the professor mentions that [x] differs from [y] because [z]. [Add supporting evidence from the RC passage and audio section].

    In summary, while modern day birds and prehistoric flying dinosaurs share many traits, namely [a], [b] and [c], a significant amount of evidence supports the claim that both species are actually quite dissimilar. Therefore, the RC passages fails to ...

    Please note that I omitted a lot of information. Simply follow the template:

    Opening sentence that describes the RC passage.
    Contrasting idea that exhibits the position of the audio "statement"
    State your hypothesis (i.e. modern day birds are actually dissimilar to flying dinosaurs)
    Closing sentence (This essay will attempt to demonstrate/exemplify/showcase this argument

    Argument 1:
    Topic sentence that presents first argument
    RC position
    Audio/Classroom/Discussion position
    Compare and contrast both the article and audio positions
    What is the consequence of this comparison (for instance, in the example above, it proves that indeed both species are not alike)

    Argument 2: same as "argument" 1
    Argument 3: same as "argument" 2

    In conclusion, while both the RC passage and audio/classroom discussion provide fascinating/interesting information with regards to[x], we find that both positions are quite contradictory. As a result [...].

    For the independent writing task, follow chineseburned's template. It's actually quite good. Basically, take a position on a subject (I think mine was "Some believe that interactive lectures (ie. case method) are more effective at teaching that traditional lectures in which a professor controls the content...". I basically agreed to this position and used personal examples (i.e. brought up HBS and how its case method is fantastic).

    Imagine your friend making the statement: "Some technologies, such as email, actually decrease productivity rather than increase it". How would you respond using 3 distinct arguments. That's really what you have to do: take a position, use 3 examples (in 3 paragraphs) to support that position.

    The key to writing an impressive piece is to use simple yet pertinent vocabulary. Simply put, write a list of "purpose" words. Examples include:

    Results: As a consequence, as a result, consequently, equals, results in
    Comparing: However, in contrast, similar, dissimilar, difference
    Etc. etc.

    I apologize in advance if my post is unclear in terms of a linear template. I think the key is to go above the required word count (300+) within a very cohesive structure: Introduction, Argument 1, Argument 2, Argument 3 and finally conclusion.

    One thing I failed to mention. It seems that the RC passage and Listening part will always cover the same "parts". For instance, both my RC and audio sections spoke of the three underlying arguments (beaks, skeleton and behaviour). Therefore, I used each position within a separate paragraph and mentioned the RC's position and the professor's position. I would believe that most "integrated writing tasks" follow this structure. Obviously, both sections may be in agreement rather than a compare/contrast structure.

    Feel free to message me if you have more specific questions.


  3. #3
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi


    oncelikle aciklayici bilgileriniz icin cidden cok tesekkur ederim. Cok faydali oldu. Bu sinava ilkkez girecegim ve seviyem intermediate level'in uzerinde veya upper intermediate baslangic diyelim. Tavsiyeniz nedir? 19 Aralik ve 16 Ocak'da sinavlara girecegim ve en az 70 almam gerekiyor...

    Ilginiz icin tesekkurler...

  4. #4
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    Ingilizce yazmanizda hicbir mahsur yok bilakis memnun olurum:)))


  5. #5
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    merhaba fdogan öncelikle seviyenle ilgili konuşmak gerekiyse toefl için biraz düşük diyebiliriz ne kadar 70 çok yüksek bir puan olmasa bile inter sonundaki veya upper başındaki bir öğrenci için çok ağır bir sınav diyebiliriz.
    ders çalışma sistemiyle ilgili olarak buraya bakabilirsin sanırım aradığın her şeyi bulabilirsin burada

  6. #6
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    ilginiz icin tesekkur ederim. Biliyorum ciddi zorlanacagim ama baska sansim yok ve denemek zorundayim. Kuralsiz konusma fena degil ama anladigim kadariyla biraz akademik bir bakis lazim. 19 Aralik ve 16 Ocak tarihlerinde sansimi deneyecegim..

    Simdi one to one bir egitime basladim ve hergun mesaiden sonra 1.5 saat calisiyorum ve bu calismadan sonra listening yapiyor ve test cozuyorum. Umarim su bir ay icinde faydasini gorurum.

    Yinede ilgin icin tesekkur ediyorum. Bilgi ve tecrubelerini paylasir olmak guzel bir davranis umarim hep boyle faydali olursunuz...

    Saygi ve sevgilerimle

    F Dogan

  7. #7
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    bende şubat ta şansımı deneme cesaretini gösterenlerden biri olacağım:( ancak speaking ve writing korkutuyor!!Ibt daha kolay ve rahat olur diyorlar, özellikle speaking de çok katı olmayabiliyormuş hocalar??doğru mu?herhangi bir bilginiz varsa paylaşır mısınız??

  8. #8
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    Merhaba genç/ekonomist öncelikle toefl ibt'nin kolay olduğu görüşüne katıldığımı söyleyemeyeceğim.Tabi kolaylık zorluk herkese göre değişir ama sanıyorum birçok kişi için genel kanı çok da kolay bir sınav olmadığı yönündedir.Speaking ve writing bölümü ile ilgili olarak ben de birçok kişiden speaking kısmında değerlendirmenin esnek olduğunu duydum.Kendi sınav tecrübemde de bunu birebir yaşadım.Writing ile ilgili olarak da özellikle serbest essay yazım kısmının kritik olduğunu düşünüyorum.O yüzden o bölüme yüklenmekte kanımca fayda var.Bol şanslar...

  9. #9
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    çok teşekkür ederim ilgilenip cevap yazdığın için:) tabi çok kolay olmadığını bende biliyorum ancak korktuğum bölüm speaking olduğu için bi rahatlık hissine kapıldım galiba:)sınavdan kaç puan aldığını öğrenmemde bir sakınca varmı? ben günde 12 saat çalışıyorum akşamları 1 saat kadar zaman ayırmaya çalışıyorum internetten yeterince kaynak buluyorum ve onlara çalışıyorum..bu çalışma süresini biraz daha artırırsam bana yeteceğini düşünüyorum.. beni bilgilendireceğin başka konular varmı?paylaşırsan sevinirimm:)

  10. #10
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    Ben sınava ilk girişimde 65 puan aldım.Speaking'den 17 writing'den 21 aldım.Reading ve listening ise sırasıyla 14 ve 13'tü.Aralık ayında tekrar gireceğim sınava.Sınavda başarılı olup olmama meselesinde en temel belirleyici kaç puana ihtiyacın olduğu.Eğer 70-75 puan gibi birşeyse hedeflediğin ve genel ingilizce düzeyin de iyiyse sınavda çok zorlanmayabilirsin ama eğer 80 ve üzerinde bir puan almak istiyorsan yoğun çalışma koşullarına rağmen sınav hazırlığın için daha fazla zaman ayırman iyi olur bence.Bir de speaking bölümünü gözünde korkutman diğer bölümleri çantada keklik görmene yol açmasın.Sınavda ilk yapacağın bölüm reading ve bu bölüm hem zor hem de eğer yeterince iyi yanıtlayamazsan sınavda moral motivasyonunu düşüreceği için diğer bölümlere de etkisi olumsuz olur.Listening de çok kritik çünkü listening parçaları speaking ve writing bölümlerinde de karşına çıkıyor ve dolayısıyla puanını etkiliyor.

  11. #11
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    Ynt: Bir Toefl IBT Deneyimi

    iskra slm, bu arada sınava girdiğinde seviyen neydi? yani her hangi bir yerden belirlenmiş seviye durumun var mıydı? Benim sonuç açıklanmadı hala malesef..

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