2- Coherent :mantıklı ,tutarlı.
e.g. You are not being coherent right now,you are not making any sense.Please make up your mind at once.
Şu an hiç tutarlı değilsin,mantıklı konuşmuyorsun.Lütfen hemen kararını ver.
Arkadaşlar her gün veya her hafta burda anlamı ve örnek cümlesiyle yeni bir kelime paylaşalım ,böylece hepimiz yeni kelimeler öğreniriz :)
Günün ilk kelimesiyle başlığı açıyorum :
e.g: There has been so much violation against the human rights recently.
2- Coherent :mantıklı ,tutarlı.
e.g. You are not being coherent right now,you are not making any sense.Please make up your mind at once.
Şu an hiç tutarlı değilsin,mantıklı konuşmuyorsun.Lütfen hemen kararını ver.
dedicate = adamak (= devote to, commit oneself to)
= ithaf etmek
Bu kelime bir kitabı vs birine ithaf etmek gibi de kullanılabilir, kişinin kendisini bir şeye adaması olarak da kullanılabilir.
She dedicated her last book to her grandmother.
She dedicated herself to her children.
"dedicate...to" şeklindeki kullanım da bizim için önemli
4-amiable:friendly (arkadaş canlısı)
e.g.:Because he was an amiable fellow, Neil got along with just about everyone.
something people of a region do often
It's a custom to hang beads in the windows at this time of year.
6- zenith : (noun) the highest point, culminating point
e.g. :I was too nice to tell Emily that she had reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one top 10 hit of hers.
synonym: peak
Konu Ayşegülcan tarafından (05.04.13 Saat 09:33 PM ) değiştirilmiştir.
7-acquisition (noun):kazanım,edinim
Language acqusition is crucial for children.
8.. craft (n) : esnaf,zanaat
EXAMPLE: Some people think that good writers are just born that way ,but I thınk anyone can work on the craft of wrıtıng.
i. gayret, heyecan, şevk, heves, coşku, istek, coşkunluk, hayranlık
At the conclusion of the interview, show your enthusiasm by emphasizing your interest in the position.
fabricate : uydurmak ,üretmek
(v.) to make up, invent (When I arrived an hour late to class, I fabricated some excuse about my car breaking down on the way to work.)
wrinkle : buruşmak,kırışmak-crease (verb)
My shirt wrinkled in my luggage during the flight.
visulize (v) : to form a pıcture ın your mind
exp: Close your eyes and try to VİSUALIZE this room full of furnıtıre.Can you picture ıt?
Accusation : Suçlama. -Blaming someone for something.
-He made an accusation against the old lady.
exm: My teacher is great.she inspires me to do best
Attainment: Achievement
(başarı, beceri,elde etmek, marifet)
* The attainment of independence is of high importance for under developed countries.
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