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Konu: Suffixes

  1. #1
    Administrator Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Apr 2008
    Rep Puanı


    Suffixes are groups of letters attached to the ends of roots, words, and word groups. Suffixes serve a grammatical function. A suffix can indicate what part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) the word belongs to. Suffixes can also change and extend the meaning. The following suffixes are grouped beneath the grammatical function they perform.


    Nouns perform the function of naming. Nouns name persons, places animals or things, as well as groups, ideas and qualities. In a sentence, nouns can be subjects, objects, or appositives.


    -acy, -cy
    Noun: state or quality
    privacy: the state of being alone
    priv + acy
    infancy: the state of being a baby or young child
    in + fan + cy
    Noun: activity, or result of action
    courage : having the spirit to overcome fear
    cour + age
    -al ,el, ul
    Noun: action, result of action
    referral : the action of directing a person to another place, person or thing
    re + ferr + al
    Noun: person
    artisan : a craftsperson
    arti + san
    -ance, -ence
    Noun: action, state, quality or process
    resistance : the action of opposing something
    re + sist + ance
    independence: the state of not being under the control of others, free, self-governing
    in + de + pend + ence
    -ancy, -ency
    Noun: state, quality or capacity
    vacancy : an empty room or position
    vac + ancy
    agency: the capacity to exert power or influence, a position or person that performs a function
    ag + ency
    -ant, -ent
    Noun: an agent, something that performs the action
    disinfectant : an agent that destroys germs, somthing that cleans
    dis + in + fect + ant
    dependent: a thing supported by another, a thing determined by another
    de + pend + ent
    Noun: state, office, fuction
    candidate : a person nominated for an office or position
    candid + ate
    Noun: action, resulting state
    specialization : the result of being distinguished by one quality or ability
    spec + ial + iz + ation


    Noun: place, state of being
    wisdom : possessing knowledge
    wis + dom


    -er, -or
    Noun: person or thing that does something
    porter : a person who carries things
    port + er
    collector: a person who collects or gathers things
    col + lect + or


    Noun: an amount or quanity that fills
    mouthful : an amount that fills the mouth
    mouth + ful


    -ian, an
    Noun: related to, one that is
    pedestrian : a person who walks
    ped + estr + ian
    human: a person
    hum + an
    Noun: names, diseases
    phobia : an illogical fear of something
    phob + ia
    Noun: art of healing
    psychiatry : branch of medicine that deals with the mind and emotions
    psych + iatry
    -ic, ics
    Noun: related to the arts and sciences
    arithmetic : a branch of math that usually deals with non-negative numbers
    arithm + et + ic
    economics: the social science related to studying business
    eco + nom + ics
    Noun: act
    malice : the desire to do evil
    mal + ice
    Noun: material made for, activity, result of an activity
    flooring : a material made for floors
    floor + ing
    swimming: the activity of swimming or moving through water
    swim(m) + ing
    building: the result of making a structure
    build + ing
    Noun: condition or action
    abduction : the action of carrying someone away by force
    ab + duct + ion
    Noun: doctrine, belief, action or conduct
    formalism : a belief in sticking to prescribed forms or artistic styles
    form + al + ism
    Noun: person or member
    podiatrist : a foot doctor
    pod + iatr + ist
    Noun: product or part
    graphite : a black material used in making pencils
    graph + ite
    -ity, ty
    Noun: state or quality
    lucidity : clear thinking
    luc + id + ity
    novelty: something new or unusual
    nov + el + ty
    Noun: condition
    native : a person born in a specific place
    nat + ive


    Noun: condition or result
    document : an official paper usually showing proof or evidence of something
    docu + ment


    Noun: state, condition, quality
    kindness : the quality of being kind or nice
    kind + ness

  2. #2
    Administrator Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Apr 2008
    Rep Puanı

    Ynt: Suffixes


    Noun: condition or activity
    valor : bravery, courage
    val + or
    Noun: place for, serves for
    territory : an area around a place
    territ + ory


    Noun: status, condition
    relationship : the state of being related or connected to something or someone
    re + lat + ion + ship


    Noun: act, condition, process, function
    exposure : the condition of being exposed or unprotected
    pos + ure


    Noun: state, condition, result of an activity
    society : companionship
    soci + et + y
    victory: the result of winning something
    vict + or + y

  3. #3
    Administrator Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Apr 2008
    Rep Puanı

    Ynt: Suffixes


    Verbs make statements about nouns, ask questions, give commands, or show states of being. Verbs can be active or passive. Verbs also show tense or time of action.

    INDEX: A E I U


    Verb: cause to be
    graduate : to give a degree to, to pass from one stage to the next
    gradu + ate


    Verb: past tense
    attained : something that has been reached or grasped
    at + tain + ed
    Verb: to cause to become
    moisten : to cause to become moist or damp
    moist + en
    -er, -or
    Verb: action
    ponder : to think about
    pond + er
    clamor: to make noise, to call for loudly
    clam + or


    Verb: cause
    specify : to name or indicate in detail
    spec + ify
    Verb: present participle
    depicting : showing, describing with images or pictures
    de + pict + ing
    Verb: cause
    fantasize : to dream about something, to create images in the mind
    fant + as + ize


    Verb: conjecture : to come to a conclusion by supposition or guesswork
    con + ject + ure


    Adjectives describe or modify nouns. Adjectives tell the reader more about the noun used in the sentence.

    INDEX: A E F I L O Y


    -able, -ible
    Adjective: worth, ability
    solvable : able to be solved or explained
    solv + able
    incredible: not able to be believed, amazing
    in + cred + ible
    -al, -ial, -ical
    Adjective: quality, relation
    structural : related to the physical make up of a thing
    struct + ure + al
    territorial: related to nearby or local areas
    territ + or + ial
    categorical: related to a category, aboslute
    cate + gor + ical
    -ant, -ent, -ient
    Adjective: kind of agent, indication
    important : marked by worth
    im + port + ant
    dependent: determined or relying upon something else
    de + pend + ent
    convenient: at hand, easy to use
    con + ven + ient
    -ar, -ary
    Adjective: resembling, related to
    spectacular : related to something that is eye-catching or amazing
    spectac + ul + ar
    unitary : related to units or single groups representing quantities
    unit + ary
    Adjective: kind of state
    inviolate : not disturbed, pure
    in + viol + ate


    Adjective: having the quality of
    terraced : having terraces or steps
    terrac + ed
    Adjective: material
    silken : made from silk, a fiber produced by worms
    silk + en
    Adjective: comparative
    brighter : more light
    bright + er
    Adjective: superlative
    strongest : having the most strength
    strong + est


    Adjective: having, giving, marked by
    fanciful : marked by imagination
    fanci + ful


    Adjective: quality, relation
    generic : related to a whole group
    gener + ic
    Adjective: having the qualities of
    projectile : something thrown with an outside force
    pro + ject + ile
    Adjective: activity
    cohering : the act of sticking together
    co + her + ing
    Adjective: having the character of
    newish : modern, recent
    new + ish
    -ive, -ative, -itive
    Adjective: having the quality of
    festive : having the quality of a festival or party
    fest + ive
    cooperative : being able or willing to work with another person or thing
    co + oper + ative
    sensitive: easily felt, responsive to the senses
    sens + itive


    Adjective: without, missing
    motiveless : a reason for someone to do something
    mot + ive + less


    -ous, -eous, -ose, -ious
    Adjective: having the quality of, relating to
    adventurous : characterized by the desire to seek new experiences or risks
    ad + vent + ur + ous
    courageous : characterized by courage, brave
    cour + ag + eous
    verbose: having more words than needed
    verb + ose
    fractious: characterized by being difficult or troublesome
    fract + ious


    Adjective: marked by, having
    hungry : having hunger, marked by a desire
    hungr + y

  4. #4
    Administrator Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Apr 2008
    Rep Puanı

    Ynt: Suffixes


    Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

    INDEX: F L W


    Adverb: in a manner of, marked by
    fourfold : being four times as great
    four + fold


    Adverb: in the manner of
    fluently : marked by ease of movement, effortlessly smooth
    flu + ent + ly


    Adverb: in a direction or manner
    homeward : toward home
    home + ward
    Adverb: in the manner of, with regard to
    timewise : with regard to time
    time + wise

  5. #5
    Senior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Apr 2008
    Rep Puanı

    Ynt: Suffixes

    thanksss for your useful message

  6. #6
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2008
    Rep Puanı

    Ynt: Suffixes


  7. #7
    Administrator Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Apr 2008
    Rep Puanı

    Ynt: Suffixes

    your wellcome

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