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  • 1 Post By dilci1111

Konu: Yds okuma parçaları ve kelimeler

  1. #1
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jul 2013
    Rep Puanı

    Yds okuma parçaları ve kelimeler

    Arkadaşlar YDS sınavına hazırlanıyorum buradki okuma parçaları ve diğer kaynaklar çok güzel ayrıca ücretsiz... YDS Okuma ve Çeviri Kaynakları - Remzi Hoca
    sahing likes this.

  2. #2
    Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Feb 2013
    Rep Puanı
    Güzel paylaşım. YDSye hazırlanan arkadaşlar için faydalı olacaktır. Teşekkürler.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jul 2013
    Rep Puanı

  4. #4
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2013
    Rep Puanı
    Parçalarda verilen yüzdelik dilimler ve rakamsal ifadeler de çok önemlidir. Türkçe paragraflarda paragrafın tamamı ile ilgili sorular sorulurken biz bir tek kelimeye göre soru sorabiliriz.

    %100 all/whole/entire/complete
    %90 most/much/many
    %75 more than half
    %50 half
    %25 less than half
    %10 little, only a little, few, only a few, almost no
    %0 no/none

    Dikkat edecek olursak genellikle bu yüzdelik dilimler parçalarda verilir. Ve biz bunları karşılarında yazan ifadelerle seçeneklerde veririz.

    Örnek: In the community of Arabian ghettos, women carry the 90 percentage of burden at home.

    In Arabian ghettos, there are few things that men do at home.

    Bu cümlede erkekler olmamasına rağmen biz doğru cevapta erkekleri veriyoruz çünkü evdeki sorumluluğun yüzde 90 nını kadınlar yapıyorsa geriye kalan yüzde 10'unu da erkekler yapar çıkarımını yapabiliriz.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2013
    Rep Puanı

    The largest creature ever known to have existed on Earth is the present-day blue whale. Today's blue whale is even larger than its prehistoric ancestors, reaching a total length of 30 m (100 ft.) and a weight of 136 t (150 tn.). Adult female blue whales are larger than adult males. The blue whale's heart alone is the size of a small car! Even the largest dinosaur weighed only about 18 t (20 tn.), although it probably reached 40 m (131 ft.) in length.

    The calves measure 7 m (23 ft.) at birth and weigh about 2.2 to 2.7 t (2.4 to 3 tn.). A female blue whale can produce more than 200 litres (50 gal.) of high-fat milk per day. The calf gains up to 4 kg (9 lb.) per hour. When weaned at about six months of age, the calf will already be about 16 m (52 ft) long.

    This giant animal is placid and shy. On the ocean surface, its normal cruising speed is about 12 knots, but it is capable of attaining 20 knots in short bursts. The maximum reported depth reached by the species is 194 fathoms. It is capable of remaining submerged beneath the surface for 50 minutes, although 10 to 15 minutes is more typical.

    Blue whales have been found in every ocean of the world: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern.

    Blue whales comprised about 90% of the whaling industry's total catch during the early part of the 20th century, after the advent of harpoon cannons. In 1931 alone, almost 30 000 of these majestic creatures were killed. By 1966 there were so few blue whales that the International Whaling Commission declared them protected. In 2000 it was estimated that there were fewer than 10 000 left.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2013
    Rep Puanı
    YDS’DE en çok çıkan sözcüklerden birkaçı

    1. abandon = (1) (birini) terk etmek (= leave) (2) bir şeyden vazgeçmek (= give up)
    2. abbreviate = (1) kısaltmak, özetlemek (2) (matematikte) sadeleştirmek
    3. abolish = (toplumdaki tabuları) yıkmak, sona erdirmek (= do away with)
    4. absorb = içine çekmek, emmek
    5. abstain from = (alkol, ilaç vb) --- den sakınmak/ uzak durmak (=avoid from) !
    6. abundance = bolluk, bereket
    7. abundant = bol, bereketli
    8. accelerate = hızlandırmak, ivme kazandırmak *** accelerator = gaz pedalı
    9. accept = kabul etmek, razı olmak
    10. access = erişmek, ulaşmak
    11. accessible to = ulaşılabilir, erişilebilir
    12. accommodate = (misafir, konuk vb) ağırlamak (= put up)
    13. accompany = (1) eşlik etmek, arkadaşlık etmek (= escort) (2) beraber
    bulunmak ya da bir arada gözükmek (* Pain and fever accompany inflammatory
    14. accomplish = başarmak (= achieve)
    15. accumulate = (1) birikmek, çoğaltmak (2) biriktirmek, yığmak
    16. accuracy = doğruluk, kesinlik
    17. accurate = doğru, hatasız, eksiksiz bir şekilde (= precise, correct)
    18. accurately = doğru, hatasız, eksiksiz bir şekilde (= precisely, correctly)
    19. accuse (of) = birini bir şeyle suçlamak, itham etmek
    20. achieve = başarmak, yerine getirmek
    21. acknowledge as = (1) kabul etmek, --- olarak tanımak (2) (mektup, mesaj vb)

  7. #7
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2013
    Rep Puanı

    yds'de en çok çıkan sözcüklerden birkaçı

    YDS’DE en çok çıkan sözcüklerden birkaçı

    1. abandon = (1) (birini) terk etmek (= leave) (2) bir şeyden vazgeçmek (= give up)
    2. abbreviate = (1) kısaltmak, özetlemek (2) (matematikte) sadeleştirmek
    3. abolish = (toplumdaki tabuları) yıkmak, sona erdirmek (= do away with)
    4. absorb = içine çekmek, emmek
    5. abstain from = (alkol, ilaç vb) --- den sakınmak/ uzak durmak (=avoid from) !
    6. abundance = bolluk, bereket
    7. abundant = bol, bereketli
    8. accelerate = hızlandırmak, ivme kazandırmak *** accelerator = gaz pedalı
    9. accept = kabul etmek, razı olmak
    10. access = erişmek, ulaşmak
    11. accessible to = ulaşılabilir, erişilebilir
    12. accommodate = (misafir, konuk vb) ağırlamak (= put up)
    13. accompany = (1) eşlik etmek, arkadaşlık etmek (= escort) (2) beraber
    bulunmak ya da bir arada gözükmek (* Pain and fever accompany inflammatory
    14. accomplish = başarmak (= achieve)
    15. accumulate = (1) birikmek, çoğaltmak (2) biriktirmek, yığmak
    16. accuracy = doğruluk, kesinlik
    17. accurate = doğru, hatasız, eksiksiz bir şekilde (= precise, correct)
    18. accurately = doğru, hatasız, eksiksiz bir şekilde (= precisely, correctly)
    19. accuse (of) = birini bir şeyle suçlamak, itham etmek
    20. achieve = başarmak, yerine getirmek
    21. acknowledge as = (1) kabul etmek, --- olarak tanımak (2) (mektup, mesaj vb)

  8. #8
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Mar 2013
    Rep Puanı

  9. #9
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2013
    Rep Puanı
    YDS okuma parçalarına örnek bir soru:
    The vegetarian diet is becoming increasingly popular all the time. Is the vegetarian or meat diet better? A decade ago and earlier, the impression was that a vegetarian diet was lacking in the nutrients found in meat products. Today though, through research and nutritional science, it has been proven that all the nutrients found in meat may at the same time be found in the correct vegetarian diet. Some may argue that by only consuming meat that is low in fat, meat and vegetarian diets have identical benefits. This is true only if one eats only very low fat meat. The lack of meat is not necessarily the main benefit of to the vegetarian. Vegetarians tend to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains than the meat eater. They also tend not to use tobacco and excessive alcohol. Moreover, vegetarians tend to get more exercise.

    1) It is clear from the passage that meat and vegetarian diets have similar benefits .......
    A) if the term vegetarian cannot be misleading
    B) only if very low fat meat is eaten
    C) as long as diet can take on many different variations
    D) if a vegetarian consumes the same dairy products
    E) because the term vegetarian is used to cover all facets and variations

    2) It has been alleged that vegetarians do not only benefit from not eating meat in fact, ........
    A) but other factors probably include exercise and resistance to smoking and alcohol intake
    B) but the partial vegetarian eats anything except red meat
    C) this is most likely due to the low fat and high carbohydrate content of their diet as well
    D) they usually have lower blood pressure than meat eaters as well
    E) they also benefit from not using tobacco and excessive alcohol while getting more exercise

    3) In the past it was claimed that the nutrients found in meat products weren't found in a vegetarian diet.......
    A) but it is proved to be wrong through research today
    B) the last major benefit of the vegetarian diet is its relationship to cancer rate reduction
    C) however the vegetarian diets advantages greatly outweigh its shortcomings
    D) whether a meat eater or vegetarian, both diets may contribute to good health with proper planning
    E) there are advantages and drawbacks to both diets

    cevaplar :1)b 2)e 3)a

  10. #10
    Junior Member Array
    Üyelik Tarihi
    Jun 2013
    Rep Puanı

    YDS okuma parçalarına örnek bir soru:

    The vegetarian diet is becoming increasingly popular all the time. Is the vegetarian or meat diet better? A decade ago and earlier, the impression was that a vegetarian diet was lacking in the nutrients found in meat products. Today though, through research and nutritional science, it has been proven that all the nutrients found in meat may at the same time be found in the correct vegetarian diet. Some may argue that by only consuming meat that is low in fat, meat and vegetarian diets have identical benefits. This is true only if one eats only very low fat meat. The lack of meat is not necessarily the main benefit of to the vegetarian. Vegetarians tend to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains than the meat eater. They also tend not to use tobacco and excessive alcohol. Moreover, vegetarians tend to get more exercise.

    1) It is clear from the passage that meat and vegetarian diets have similar benefits .......
    A) if the term vegetarian cannot be misleading
    B) only if very low fat meat is eaten
    C) as long as diet can take on many different variations
    D) if a vegetarian consumes the same dairy products
    E) because the term vegetarian is used to cover all facets and variations

    2) It has been alleged that vegetarians do not only benefit from not eating meat in fact, ........
    A) but other factors probably include exercise and resistance to smoking and alcohol intake
    B) but the partial vegetarian eats anything except red meat
    C) this is most likely due to the low fat and high carbohydrate content of their diet as well
    D) they usually have lower blood pressure than meat eaters as well
    E) they also benefit from not using tobacco and excessive alcohol while getting more exercise

    3) In the past it was claimed that the nutrients found in meat products weren't found in a vegetarian diet.......
    A) but it is proved to be wrong through research today
    B) the last major benefit of the vegetarian diet is its relationship to cancer rate reduction
    C) however the vegetarian diets advantages greatly outweigh its shortcomings
    D) whether a meat eater or vegetarian, both diets may contribute to good health with proper planning
    E) there are advantages and drawbacks to both diets

    cevaplar :1)b 2)e 3)a

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